Kargaletta Lolita Davis’ Podcast

These podcast episodes will feature great tips, ideas, opinions, reviews on product/services, different laws/codes/rules, constitutional issues, and the 360 greediness from those against human rights, true freedom of speech. Furthermore, the flawed ideology of no one is above the law, except dem!

Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Count or Save Your Anchor Numbers!
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
This episode discusses how Anchor has docked my "unique listeners" numbers, from the previous episode. For Anchor, you need to have 50 unique listeners, but if Anchor is going to deduct your listeners' count; then it will take longer for you to get to 50. Therefore, make sure to document your unique listeners on a regular basis to make sure that you're not getting shorted!

Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Update on my podcast stats!
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Update on my podcast stats, most popular episodes, and discussing an upcoming episode for delivery shoppers!

Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Be Careful About Wannabe Banks!
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
This episode gives you a list of shady entities. Forget about using "employer debit cards" for your direct deposits! Forget about using these pretend banks that are using your personal information for their employees' and the entities benefit. Run, don't walk!

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Be Careful About Giving Your Personal Information
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
This episode is about be careful about giving your personal information, especially to others individual/s who does not give their personal information about them or their families. It doesn't matter if they are claiming to be government employees, organizations, corporations, or etc with no proof of their claim nor can we the public verify anything about their incorporation, obligations, lawful authority or etc. All of their oaths are hidden or under false names that do not match their own full legal name. We do not know how any businesses or organizations are incorporated or what purpose their federal employer identification number or state employer number is used. Again this information is hidden. The process is tedious and long to find out the truth. Even cities, states, counties, towns, or etc can all get social security numbers, federal employer identification numbers, and their own state employer identification numbers for whatever

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
We All Have Human Rights!
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
This episode discusses a short update, talks about staying strong and not giving up or feeling hopeless. Briefly discussing systems of control to make or treat others as inferior, whether these individuals are working in government, at your job, or etc. Discussing how different corporations, agencies, or etc pretend that their corporation, agencies, department, company, or etc are monarchs against other companies or the government, individual/s, society, or etc., which is not true. Regardless, of how anyone tries to make you feel, don't give up, stay strong, and your birthright and your family matters, we are not anonymous or invisible. And none of us are worthless. Everyone has their own gift or talent! God gave us the resources to have the basic necessities, like food, water, shelter, or etc., in life; however, there will be others who believe and strive to make sure none of have it. Why? Who knows, I'm still trying to figure that question out, but continue to have faith. I know it's hard, but keep trying and hopefully, people will wake up and realize the truth.

Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Be Careful About Buying these Specific/Special TLD (top level domain) domain names!
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
This episode discusses how the majority of TLD (top-level domain names) aren’t valid. You will have some difficulty trying to secure your websites with an SSL certificate, especially with the free Let’s Encrypt Certificate. I have been dealing with a few TLDs, where the WHOIS’s privacy is being active on my domain name when I have specifically requested for the WHOIS privacy to be turned off. When requesting to turn it off, the domain registrar usually will state that it is off on their end, but the main company controlling any domain ownership online lookup are blocking who is the actual owner for the domain name. For example, if you have bought the “.news” TLD, the company “Donuts, Inc” https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db/news.html has its own “Whois lookup” and their company is illegally restricting information without the consent of the domain name owner. I have filed a complaint with ICANN (https://www.icann.org/compliance/complaint), but this process is a waste of time. The registrar that you may be dealing with probably does not have a valid contract with ICANN, like other registrars, who do not change companies or their names, which do not match the actual contract agreement with ICANN. Go Daddy is probably one of the few valid domain registrars available in these United States of America, which shows we somehow have to do better and try to be supportive of companies and small businesses probably struggling against the other monopoly of companies because they can price everything so low, which is tempting, but when there is an issue, you might have problems. Do your research ahead of time, which is a lot to search through the endless list of alleged valid domain registrars. It is not even worth wasting your money on anything, other than the “.com or maybe.net” Other TLDs that I have had issues with are “.info and.org” controlled by “https://afilias.info/“ basically worthless again, sorry! Based on https://icannwiki.org/.info, .info, “ICANN approved Afilias's application to be the registry operator of .info on May 11, 2001.[8] The United States Department of Commerce (DOC) entered .info into the Domain Name System (DNS) root zone on June 27.” For the organization behind “.org” it's the “Public Interest Registry (PIR) and Afilias” and they have their own “whois” too at If you believe you have a legitimate interest in accessing non-public WHOIS data please submit your request to WHOISrequest@pir.org. ICANN is going to help them, not anyone else. No one should have to go back and forth with these “Registries” who have used public funds to pay for this private membership, that controls the whole worldwide web for basically free.

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Getting “Listeners’ Support” from Donations on Your Anchor Podcast
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
I just discovered yesterday about the "Listener Support from Donations" on your Anchor Podcast. This section is not available on the Anchor App, but once you have logged into your Anchor account under the "Money Section/Menu," you will have to scroll down and it is the section, after Sponsorships. Here is the link, giving more detail about your listener supporters, https://help.anchor.fm/hc/en-us/articles/360007452031-Listener-Support-accept-monthly-donations-from-your-listeners. This option is currently only available in these United States of North America and Anchor has a partnership with Stripe to process these payments. Also, note Anchor states that, "If you’ve used the ‘Music’ tool to add copyrighted songs to any of your episodes on Anchor, you won’t be able to enable Listener Support until you have removed all music from your existing episodes." In addition, it appears that the donations are set to be recurring, so if you want to cancel any recurring donation; then you would have to contact Anchor. Anchor list the tiers that are available, which can be as low as $1 per month, $4.99 per month, or $9.99 per month. So, even though, the listener support is only available to podcaster in these United States of North America, you can still receive or you listeners can still support your podcast on any continent.
Additional important notes stated on Anchor's website:
"Supporting a Podcast
To support a podcast from its Anchor profile, click ‘Support this podcast’ at the top of the page.
What to do next:
Choose the pricing tier you wish to use. Current options are $0.99, $4.99, or $9.99. All of these will renew monthly automatically.
Enter your name, email address, and card information (or, pay with one tap if your device has Apple Pay or Google Pay enabled).
Click to pay at the bottom of the screen.
Note: You won’t see the option to support a podcast if the Anchor creator hasn’t enabled Listener Support for their podcast. If there’s a podcast you’d love to support who hasn’t done this yet, let them know! We’re sure they’d love to hear from you.
After signing up to support a podcast, you'll receive a confirmation email from Anchor. If at any time you want to cancel your subscription, just click the link in your original confirmation email to update it or you can contact Anchor Support and they will help you get your subscription canceled."
Having listeners supporting your podcast is another great option, while you are building up your listenership to reach the targeted goal of "50 unique listeners."
Always, thanks for tuning in and turning it up,
Kargaletta Lolita Davis

Friday Jul 30, 2021
My Anchor Podcast Update
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
This is an update from my first Anchor episode and the process up to date. Started with 4 listeners and now, there 18 listeners. Based on Anchor’s analysis, approximately 66% are male listeners between the ages of 45-49 and about 33% of female listeners, which might be the 60 and over listeners 🤣. Go figure!Approximately, 94% of my listeners are from these United States of North America and about 5% are from the United Kingdom. So, thanks to all who are interested and trying to be supportive of my podcasts, I really appreciate having more than one listener! Currently, I only have 8 out 50 “unique listeners,” so the progress for discovering or learning exactly who, what, where, and when you will have the “50” is a mystery. The podcast platform called, “Breaker” is taking the lead for my audience at 38% of listeners, Anchor’s platform is around 33%, Spotify’s platform is about 16%, Apple Podcast’s platform is about 5%, and lastly, the web browser is about 5%. As always thanks for tuning in and tuning up the volume, Kargaletta Lolita Davis